Vardharaj Govindam | Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Hindi, Assamese


23 Oct 2018
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There is a lot of talk about a film that will be released in five different languages. They are Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Hindi and Assamese respectively. "Vardharaj Govindam" is coming together with nationally established actor Ravi Janghu and popular Assamese actress Preeti Kankana, whom we have already seen in "Raktabeej" and "Bahniman"
The film will be released in five languages to entertain audiences from all walks of life. Ravi Janghu has recently posted an update on social media about the upcoming film directed by V Samudra. The film is co-directed by Chandan Kumar, Venkatesh and Nayana Talukdar. The film is directed by Palash Surya Gogoi. There is a lot of excitement among the people of Assam about "Vardharaj Govindam" The film is now counting down to its release date.

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